The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] Is "Is Design Dead?" Dead?
This one is a big of a grab bag, with a number of resources to keep you busy this week.
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] Reconsider Your Power
From the Standing Desk of Peter Merholz—
In my leadership development work, I think a lot about power, relationships, and
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] In which I process some anger and frustration
Before getting into the meat of the newsletter, let me point you to my pal and co-host Jesse James Garrett’
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] Leadership Masterclass Feb 25-26/ Podcast with Roger Martin
From the desk of Peter Merholz—
Happy Superbowl Sunday (to all Americans at least)! I don’t really follow the
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] Quality >>> Craft | Reframe Your Mandate
This past week, I participated in the Design Leadership Summit in Toronto. It filled my head with many ideas. Here,
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] First person design leadership stories; rankings redux
From the desk of Peter Merholz—
Last Friday, Hang Xu and I continued our discussion ranking design organizations. My write
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] Design Org Ranking, this Friday (Jan 17) for a good cause!
From the desk of Peter Merholz—
Dropping a quick note to say that this Friday, January 17th, at 9am Pacific
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] New year, same me
From the sofa of Peter Merholz—
Tuning back in after a delightful and restorative end of the year break.
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] Empty Platitudes and a Focus on Skills, not Roles
From the sofa of Peter Merholz–
This will likely be the last Merholz Agenda for the year.
First though, a
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] AI Will Widen the Design Chasm
From the sofa of Peter Merholz…
Design, AI, and The Widening Gap between Savvy and Clueless
My ~10 minute take
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] Design Leadership Themes, and upcoming event
I spent this past week in London, England, attending the the “Design Leaders+” conference and teaching my Design Leadership Fundamentals
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] Design maturity and the laziness of 'best practices'
From the sofa of Peter Merholz—
We start with Andy Budd’s understandable frustration with “design maturity” as an objective
The Merholz Agenda
[TMA] Design Thinking Isn't Dead
From The Sofa of Peter Merholz—
This past week, I spoke at Re:Imagine Retail, an “immersive experience creation” event
The Merholz Agenda
"Design" is too damn big
From the sofa of Peter Merholz—
“Design” is too damn big
Many, perhaps most, designers and design leaders are experiencing
The Merholz Agenda
Toward a new org design for UX and PM
30 to 50, but it’s not feral hogs
On the latest Finding Our Way, Jesse and I talk to
The Merholz Agenda
What's Next for Design Leaders
A theme for my work for the back half of this year is “what’s next” for design leaders. It
The Merholz Agenda
Welcome to The Merholz Agenda
I’m excited to present the first issue of The Merholz Agenda, my (semi-)weekly newsletter where I share my